Persil Promo
2d Animated Promotional Video for Persil Colored Abaya Shampoo. Art Direction and Design - from storyboards, character to asset creation.
This promotional video was created to market the product "Abaya Shampoo" to international university students in Dubai. The film showcases daily life of a university student "Layla" and how her Abaya fades and takes away her happiness. Then one day she stumbles upon "Persil Colored Abaya Shampoo" which brings the vibrancy back in her Abaya and Life.
A reference direction for art style and a script were provided. I worked on the storyboards, character design, art direction, concept art/ style frames, background design and final assets along with another talented designer for this 2d animated film. We were responsible for the final look and assets. As it was a tight deadline project so we worked accordingly, making the process as efficient as possible.
Layla is wears a bright vibrant abaya as it is the main focus of the storyline.
We iterated multiple times to get the cutest character possible based on the client's requirements. Her final look showed her in a casual style with bright pink Abaya matching the colour of Persil product.
The story required use of two different color schemes to show Layla's different feelings. One was vibrant her abaya was new, and the other was dull and muted for when her abaya lost color making her sad.
As this project was on tight deadline, to delivery effectively, we tried to come up with the best way possible for smooth storytelling and fast work. We kept backgrounds as simple as possible focusing on the characters. And as we moved forward with character design and feedback rounds we started to add details on storyboard like character, costumes, expressions & notes for the animators. This helped us as a team to avoid potential misinterpretations in a remote collaborative project.
AV for Persil Promotional Film (Henkel)
Script and Voice Over - Rain Creative, Dubai
Character, Storyboard, Background and Prop Design - Shruti Jalgaonkar & Yami Aherwar
Animation and Sound Design - Karan Waraich
Additional Animation - Amanjot Singh